Edward94 , Mar 4, What version has this been tested with? I've continued this over at bukkitdev. ShockBuddy , Apr 12, Yes, my password is: No longer working for us under minecraft bukkit 953

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TnTMar 2, I'll post the other plugins I use if u need me to. Right click a wool with a dye in your hand to dye it. Fixed infinity dyes and if you dont use bukklt then everyone can dye wool! Otherwise I would without-a-doubt use this. No longer working for us under No, create an account now.

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PlagueMay 24, If a dye is in a dispenser, it could be shot out just like arrows and snowballs, but if it impacts wool it would dye it. Thanks for your time. Yes, my password is: I've continued this minecrft at bukkitdev. Dsinc14Apr 29, Any config file, or is this similar to your other plugins - instructions aren't very clear.

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Please test your plugin with the mineccraft Recommended Build and update your release post accordingly as it is now a requirement of the submissions process, since the newest RB contains breakages. ShockBuddyApr 12, Its a mini Addon for me, added! MikeCMar 22, Edward94Mar 4, The link doesnt work for me, ive looked at almost all your plugins and there all great but the website link doesnt work for me, if you could help it would be great, thanks.

This could make awesome tvs and a lot of different cool things. What do you think about this?

[FUN] DyeWool v1.3 - Color wool with right click! [953]

Did you ever think about adding dispenser support? MajorMar 22, What version has this been tested with?

minecraft bukkit 953

OscariusAug 6, Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? Log in or Sign up. DyeWool - Color wool with right click! KrypleFyteAug 9, If you mineccraft to revive this plugin, please ensure that you update and test compatibility with the latest recommended Bukkit build before reporting your original post, asking for it to minecraf moved back to the release forum.

It seems to work fine then I get this error and it stops working.

You will notice that this thread has now been placed into the Inactive Plugin subforum.
